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Date(s) - 01/10/2020 - 02/10/2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Age UK
The newly-created Ham & Rich Bus Forum (HARBUS) meets at 12 noon on the first Thursday of every month at Age UK’s Zetland Street office in Northallerton.
Aims & Objectives: “to get people where they want to be, when they want to be there, in a manner that is reliable, comfortable and efficient”, and:
- represent the interests of bus users in and around “Ham & Rich”
- encourage people to use buses
- campaign for the enhancement of bus services and public transport information
- act as a focal point between bus users, bus operators and local authorities.
- to engage constructively and collaboratively;
- to identify issues and suggest solutions;
- to work with other fora on supra-regional and national issues
- to lobby at a regional, supra-regional, and national level
- e.g. section 19 not-for-profit PSV exemptions under threat
- e.g. improve consultation processes to ensure that local communities have opportunity to adequately express their views
- e.g. improve tender processes to take greater account of local views
We would like to invite interested individuals and organisations from the Richmondshire area to join the forum, but if you are unable to attend and would like to be involved, please email HarBus@hambletoncommunityaction.org
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